How To Block Email From Outlook And Microsoft?

 Through this article, the user would be able to get information about how to block email on Outlook, and step-by-step guidance on blocking the specific senders or domains. You will also get the information on managing the inbox so that you can see what is important. 

block email outlook

Blocking senders in Outlook:

Firstly, the user has to open the Outlook app and then they have to open the inbox folders or junk email folder. The person has to take note of senders you want to block. They would be requiring their email address of theirs for blocking. These emails would be required in some of the steps. 

Block an email sender:

If the user is doubting how to block email on outlook, then the user has to follow the steps. To block the sender, the user has to select the email in the inbox that the sender wants to block. The user has to select the home tab from the menu bar. You would be able to see a dropdown menu in which you have to select the junk option and then block the sender option from the list. When you perform this action, if any email is sent from this sender will automatically be sent to the junk email folder. If you don’t want to go through this process, the users can simply right-click on the email in the inbox. Then select the junk option. A dialog box would appear on the screen. If you want to block the sender, then click on OK. 

Blocking emails from Microsoft 365:

You would be glad to know that exchange admins can also block emails from specific users from Microsoft 365. The users can remove the block after some time or leave it as a block in place. 

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